A month ago, I had no idea that I would be exhibiting my prints at the Artists in Action event at The Wickaninnish Inn in Tofino, BC. And here I am!! I feel so honoured and grateful that The Wick invited me to be on of 4 artists to participate in this New Year's celebration.
I don't celebrate New Year's Eve because it's such a fake and forced event. However, this year, I am thrilled to be able to start 2012 in Tofino, walking on the beach with my dog, Lauer. What a perfect way to begin the year!
Last night, the Inn threw an awesome reception for the guests arriving for New Years. Charles McDiarmid, the managing director of the Inn, introduced all the management team and the 4 artists and welcomed everyone to this special place. The reception was an outstanding event - fab food!! Smoked salmon to die for!!! I could have eaten all of it - so yummy! The rest of the food was delicious too - sweet potato samosas, crabcakes, pasta, cheese, chocolates - yummy, yummy.
Several people expressed an interest in my work, which is flattering and lovely. Hopefully, some sales will come through.
Yesterday's walk on the beach was a perfect metaphor for my life in 2011!! It was a really windy, stormy day with sunshine, clouds, rain and hail squalls, huge waves hitting the rocks hard on Frank Island - strong enough to blow me over if I stood for too long. I sat on the rocks with Lauer and watched the waves for about an hour. All that power, that prana - life force - hitting me at one time. It was good to be grounded on the rocks.
While I feel somewhat lost in my life, that's okay because it makes me strive harder to find the place where I feel connected. The rocks around me aren't lost, the waves aren't lost, nor are the trees, the birds, eagles, wolves................ they all know where they are. And I'm okay to be exactly where I am - sitting on the rocks on Frank Island on Chesterman Beach, watching the breakers hit the island.
Who knows what 2012 will bring. I'm staying open to the possibilities and opportunities that come my way. I have some ideas of what I want to do, directions I want to move in and life often has other plans for us!!
All I know is that a month ago, I didn't expect to be in Tofino for New Year's Eve and yet here I am - so staying open to the Universe, grabbing opportunities when they come by is an important learning for me. Being spontaneous and open to those gifts that come along when we least expect them. 2012 is a year of change - I feel that deep within myself but I just don't know what kinds of changes - challenging changes - but isn't all change challenging?
Stay in the moment, set intentions, be grateful for that which comes into your life, notice the opportunities and possibilites that the Universe offers. Let go of that which doesn't make you happy or content, forgive yourself and others, be compassionate, love what you do, practice yoga!! Be here in this world, in this life and share your true self with others!!
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