Saturday, February 19, 2011

Masterclass in Long Exposures with Michael Levin

Went to Victoria a couple of weeks ago for a photography masterclass with award-winning contemporary black and white photographer, Michael Levin.

I know Michael through Tricera, the printing company he owns with his girlfriend, Erika.  He'd seen my work and pretty much insisted that I attend the workshop - that encouragement from him means alot to me as I lack confidence in myself.  He's a good guy - down to earth, honest, straightforward.  He gave me great feedback on my portfolio - what to keep and what should move to another portfolio - seems I've got several bodies of work on the go!  At the end of day 1, we all went to Ogden Point and spent 2 hours shooting the pier - so now I can say, I went shooting with Michael Levin!!

Learned about his process, processing, how he makes a photograph after he takes the photograph.  Fascinating!  Here's one of my long exposure shots.